



  • 位置
  • 勝ち負けの数
  • 決着がついている場合、その結果
  • 次以降の手順(子)

位置情報はどうしようかなぁ… 要素数9の配列で3×3を表現したほうが簡単そうだけど、まじめに3×3の配列で。


(* misc *)
let say comment =
  print_endline comment; print_newline ()

let print_line () =
  print_endline "-------------------------------------------";
  print_newline ()

(* matrix *)
type mode = O | X | I

let string_of_mode = function O -> "O" | X -> "X" | _ -> "I"

let toggle_mode = function 
  O -> X | X -> O | I -> failwith "Error occured in toggle_mode."

let repeat f x n =
  let rec loop x i =
    if n > i then loop (f x i) (i + 1) else x in
  loop x 0

let select f n =
  let rec loop i l =
    if n > i
      then let result = 
             match (f i) with Some x -> x::l | None -> l in
           loop (i + 1) result
      else l in
  loop 0 []

let get_column mtx i =
  Array.to_list (Array.map (fun row -> row.(i)) mtx)

let is_victor mode mtx =
  let is_same_mode l =
    List.for_all (fun e -> e = mode) l in
  List.exists (fun a -> is_same_mode (Array.to_list a)) (Array.to_list mtx)
      || repeat
           (fun x i -> is_same_mode (get_column mtx i) || x)
           false (Array.length  mtx.(0))
      || is_same_mode [mtx.(0).(0); mtx.(1).(1); mtx.(2).(2)]
      || is_same_mode [mtx.(2).(0); mtx.(1).(1); mtx.(0).(2)]

let select_free_from_matrix mtx =
  List.flatten (
    select (fun y -> 
      let l =
          (fun x -> if mtx.(y).(x) = I then Some (y, x) else None)
          (Array.length mtx.(y)) in
      Some l
    ) (Array.length mtx))

let set_postion mtx mode pos = 
  let new_mtx = Array.map (fun row -> Array.copy row) mtx in
  new_mtx.(fst pos).(snd pos) <- mode;

(* tree *)

(* pos(opt), result, score and children *)
type ('a, 'b, 'c) tree =
  Br of 'a option * 'b * 'c * ('a, 'b, 'c) tree list

let get_pos_from_tree = function
  | Br(Some(pos), _, _, _) -> pos
  | _ -> failwith "Error occured in get_pos_from_tree."

let get_result_from_tree = function Br(_, result, _, _) -> result

let get_score_from_tree = function Br(_, _, score, _) -> score

let get_children_from_tree = function Br(_, _, _, children) -> children

let print_trees trees =
    (fun tr ->
      let (y, x) = get_pos_from_tree tr in
      let r = get_result_from_tree tr in
      let s = get_score_from_tree tr in
      let rs = string_of_mode r in
      Printf.printf "((%d, %d), %s, %d) " y x rs s) trees;
      print_newline ()

let score_tree mode score children =
    (fun a b -> 
      let Br(_, r, s, c) = b in
      let point =
        match r with O -> s + 1 | X -> s - 1 | _ -> s in
      let point' =
        if List.exists
             (fun x -> mode = get_result_from_tree x) c
            match mode with O -> 100 | X -> -100 | _ -> 0
          else 0 in
      a + point + point') score children

let rec find_child_tree mtx mode = function
  | Br(posopt, result, score, children) -> 
    let rec loop frees =
      match frees with
      | [] -> ( (* no free position (back-track) *)
          Br(posopt, result, (score_tree mode score children), children))
      | hd::tl -> 
          if List.exists
               (fun tr -> (get_pos_from_tree tr) = hd)
            then loop tl (* tests next free position *)
            else (       (* new test *)
              let new_mtx = set_postion mtx mode hd in 
              let child_tree =
                if is_victor mode new_mtx 
                  then Br(Some(hd), mode, 0, [])
                  else (
                    find_child_tree new_mtx (toggle_mode mode)
                      (Br(Some(hd), I, 0, [])) 
                  ) in
              find_child_tree mtx mode
                (Br(posopt, result, score, child_tree::children))
            ) in
    loop (select_free_from_matrix mtx)

(* match-up *)
let input_position selectable_postions =
  let rec loop () =
    let inner chr =
      Printf.printf "Please enter your postion %c (0-2) >" chr;
      print_newline ();
      read_int () in
    let y = inner 'y' in
    let x = inner 'x' in
    let pos = (y, x) in
    if List.exists (fun p -> p = pos) selectable_postions
      then pos else (say "You can't select it. Try again.";loop ()) in
  loop ()

let output_position who pos =
  Printf.printf "%s put (y = %d, x = %d)." who (fst pos) (snd pos);
  print_newline ()

let find_victory_postion trees my_mode =
  try Some(List.find
            (fun tr -> (get_result_from_tree tr) = my_mode) trees)
  with Not_found -> None

let find_dangerous_postion trees my_mode =
  let player_mode = toggle_mode my_mode in
    (fun tr -> 
      let children = get_children_from_tree tr in
        (fun tr'->
          let result = get_result_from_tree tr' in
          result = player_mode) children) trees

let get_sorted_position trees my_mode =
  let dangerous_postions = find_dangerous_postion trees my_mode in
  let is_danger tree = 
      (fun tr -> (get_pos_from_tree tree) = (get_pos_from_tree tr))
      dangerous_postions in
  (fun a b -> 
    if is_danger a then 1 else (
      if is_danger b then -1 else (
        let score_a = get_score_from_tree a in
        let score_b = get_score_from_tree b in
        if my_mode = O then score_b - score_a else score_a - score_b
      ))) trees

let player_action player_mode selectable_trees =
  match selectable_trees with
  | [] -> say "This game is draw."; None
  | _ -> (
    print_line ();
    Printf.printf "You can put your piece in these positions(y, x).\n";
    print_trees selectable_trees;
    let player_pos =
        (List.map (fun tr -> get_pos_from_tree tr) selectable_trees) in
    output_position "you" player_pos;
    let player_tree =
        (fun tr -> (get_pos_from_tree tr) = player_pos)
        selectable_trees in
    if get_result_from_tree player_tree = player_mode
      then (say "You win."; None)
      else Some(player_tree) 

let appl_action my_mode selectable_trees = 
  print_line ();
  Printf.printf "I can put my piece in these positions(y, x).\n";
  print_trees selectable_trees;
  match (find_victory_postion selectable_trees my_mode) with
  | Some(tr) -> 
      output_position "I" (get_pos_from_tree tr);
      say "You Lose."; None
  | None -> (
    match (get_sorted_position selectable_trees my_mode) with
    | [] -> say "This game is draw."; None
    | hd::tl ->
        output_position "I" (get_pos_from_tree hd); Some(hd)) 

let toggle_player_action action = 
  if action == player_action then appl_action else player_action

let fight player_mode trees =
  let rec loop mode action selectable_trees =
    match (action mode selectable_trees) with
    | Some(tr) ->
        loop (toggle_mode mode) (toggle_player_action action) 
             (get_children_from_tree tr) 
    | None -> () in
  if player_mode = O
    then loop player_mode player_action trees
    else loop (toggle_mode player_mode) appl_action trees

let main () =
  let tree =
      (Array.create_matrix 3 3 I) O (Br(None, I, 0, [])) in
  let rec choice () = 
    say "Which do you choice O or X ?";
    match read_line () with "O" -> O | "X" -> X | _ -> choice () in
  let rec fight_loop () =
    let player_mode = choice () in
    fight player_mode (get_children_from_tree tree);
    say "Next match...\n\n";
    fight_loop () in
  fight_loop ()

let _ = main ()

何だか長々としたコードになっちゃった… orz。ざっくり書くと、前半が手順の木を作る部分、後半が対戦部分になります。



